Teargas canisters bad launch photo

 A police officer today lost both his arms while engaging protesters against the #RejectFinanceBill2024  protests in the CBD after accidentally setting off a tear gas canister. 

Others who were nearby, including an officer from Embakasi Police Station who sustained minor chest injuries, have been admitted to Nairobi West Hospital. 

The first officer is currently in surgery, and the second officer is under observation.

The Police Sergeant has lost his right hand from the shoulders and left hand from the elbow while he was launching teargas at peaceful demonstrators.

Teargas canisters bad launch photo

Several activists were arrested including over 250 protesters. Popular bloggers were also arrested in the move.

Online activist Hanifa Farsafi whisked into a police Land Cruiser while participating in the #RejectFinanceBill2024 picket in Nairobi CBD.

Advocates have come out in numbers to assist in processing bail for the arrested protesters. LSK president  Faith Odhiambo was also in the police cells rescuing arrested individuals.

Teargas canisters bad launch photo

As #RejectFinanceBill2024 protests gained momentum in Nairobi multiple international media outlets had taken notice and are providing coverage of the widespread discontent among Kenyans who are demanding that their leaders turn down the draconian bill and instead focus on addressing the country's pressing economic and social issues. 

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