Nairobi Police throwing tear gas

President William Ruto police officers shot an American journalist and threw tear gas inside a Super Metro bus full of passengers. 

A rogue police officer threw tear gas canisters inside a Super Metro minibus in Nairobi's CBD. The bus left the CBD, carrying innocent people who were rushing out before the protests intensified.

On another event, a police senior sergent shot an international journalist. The journalist covering Gen Z and millenial protests against Kenya's Finance Bill 2024 was on the streets of Nairobi.

While protests occupied several streets in Nairobi, top international media correspondents, including CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera, and DW, among others, were also on the streets televising the move. 

Gen Z and millenial protestors were steadily outnumbering police forces in multiple parts of Nairobi City Center. The protestors isolated several police units, forcing them to retreat in order to regroup and devise new strategies.

Thousands of people joined the #Rejectfinancebill2024 movement, both online and offline. For the first time in Kenya's history, young men with no influence from politicians moved to the streets to protest President William Ruto's Finance Bill 2024. 

According to protesters, taxes are not the issue, but money use is.


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