Niko Miami, Florida, in Nairobi, Kenyans tweet from Germany and the Netherlands to beat Ruto's internet censorship.


Reliable sources have hinted that the President William Ruto government is planning an internet censorship scheme. Users are expected to have slow connectivity across the board.

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This is to try and tame the online mobilisation ahead of planned protests for the REJECT FINANCE BILL 2024.

The move comes after Energy CS hinted at plans to have fibre optics alongside the national grid, possibly terminating at every metre. That will hinder any future protests against using online tools, as the internet will have an easy central switching point. 

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Kenyans switched from using the internet normally to using VPNs, a technology that would circumvent Ruto's censorship approach.

However, Kenyans were sceptical about the move and kept wondering if they would really trust this government with such crucial infrastructure.

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The paid MPs supporting the finance bill are perplexed by Kenyans' decision to protest for free. The protest, which began on Twitter under the alias X, has now spread to other social networks, including Facebook and TikTok. 


However, more reliable sources close to Dennis Itumbi have confirmed that they have organized a parallel demonstration to oppose the Reject Finance Bill, with the primary goal being the destruction of property to give the police a justification for using excessive force. The payment to the youths will range from Sh 500 to Sh 1000

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