President William Ruto and IMF

Sources indicate that the IMF continues to pressure President William Ruto to impose the proposed economic and fiscal policy conditions to pay the debts. 

The representatives want the president to put up measures that will enable the country to collect more, regardless of what people say or think.

More sources add that the IMF says it will not back down on the economic and fiscal policy conditions it has imposed on Kenya, according to local news outlet Nation Media Group, which cited a 'Senior Official' in the financial agency. 

The IMF insists on broadening the tax base and improving revenue collection, arguing that fiscal consolidation is necessary to reduce debt and external vulnerabilities.

Economists now claim that nearly every country that has implemented IMF policies has had its economies collapse; their policies are designed to keep poor countries in a perpetual cycle of poverty rather than offering tangible solutions to lift ordinary citizens out of poverty.

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